Monday, August 31, 2009

aug 30th

we have a house!

ok, so it really doesn't seem real yet. but, we took our parents over to the house on saturday night. we took a quick carload over that consisted of a folding table, folding chairs, all of the king bedding, and bathroom necessities (toilet paper, hand soap, and even the shower curtain).

oh yeah, and i've done a few loads of laundry without having to use quarters!!

yesterday, mr c and i took another load over. the futon (which we're using as a couch for now), a tv tray, my 19" flat screen tv, the little dvd player, and the stuff to make dinner. so, we put the futon back together, then i started on dinner while mr c played out in the garage and measured different places to make sure that his toys will fit out there. we had chicken marsala on linguine with some pinot noir, and watched training day with denzel washington. i had never watched the whole thing before, and needless to say, it was a bit disturbing.

the bed is being delivered on friday, so we won't stay there until then, but this week i'll be taking carloads over. so hopefully, we'll only have to move the big stuff next weekend. i don't think it's actually going to hit us until the apartment is empty, and we're brushing our teeth and doing all of our routines at the house.

i'll get pictures and maybe a video walk through posted soon.