Friday, August 21, 2009

aug 21st - 2

found out yesterday that my daddy is sick.

he's had 2 surgeries on his left knee in the past 7 months, which in itself is crazy, but we found out more news yesterday. his blood tests came back a little funny before the second surgery, so last week they took like, 13 vials of blood, and did a CT scan. his blood seems to be normalizing, so that was probably trauma related to the surgeries. on the other hand, his CT scan came back with spots on his spleen. the doctor at this point is fairly certain that it's non-hodgkins lymphoma.

so, they're going to keep monitoring him, and do more bloodwork in 3 months, and for sure another CT scan in 6 to see where the spleen is at. i think at this point it's not if he has his spleen taken out, but when. and the doctor doesn't want to disrupt his blood more my doing a surgery too soon, before they know totally what's going on. needless to say, please keep him in your prayers.


Meghan said...

Oh, Angela. I'm so sorry to hear that. We will definitely keep your dad and your family in our prayers.