Thursday, July 26, 2012

out for errands

this picture doesn't do justice to everything going wrong with the outfit and undergarments this lady chose to wear while she was getting on oil change in a Saturday afternoon. it wasn't the most flattering to say the least.


we were at a baby shower over the weekend. I made these little onesies and the little guy had fun.

with the mommy-to-be.

the baby got the same bathtub as his...

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

ni-night doggies

he crawled onto the doggies blankets and said goodnight.

new hat

lil guy pulled out a pair of daddy's underwear from the clean laundry and was wearing it as a hat.

boy toys

our desert

it's no secret that it's pretty dry here - everywhere for that matter.

our ferns.

a hosta.

black eyed susan.

the flower bed.

lil guy helping.


the kids were having a blast with the horns. we overheard them running around needing to get the "hooters" :) lil guy didn't quite get it to work, so he just hummed into it. that works!


D really enjoyed his cake, after he blew out his candles, he tried a bite of cake!

the boys

after opening the favors from playing the party games. D got a trucky, and lil guy got a gar.

bouncy house

cousin D had has 2nd birthday party over the weekend, an they had a bouncy house. lil guy wasn't too sure about it at first. but as the party progressed, he just kept going in and out. I'll have to load the videos separately because my app isn't playing nice with YouTube at the moment.

Wednesday, July 4, 2012


it was hot. but we had fun watching the parade. lil guy had fun clapping and waving. we really liked the marching bands, the old cars, and the fire engines.