Friday, July 31, 2009

july 31st

ok, so the inspection went off with flying to wait for the appraisal. the bank said that should be happening this next week. once that's out of the way and we get the results of that, we'll be super excited. that's the only real hiccup in the whole ordeal. if they appraise it for less than we offered the sellers, we have either: 1. renegotiate the price 2. come up with the money to close the gap 3. find another house.
obviously we're hoping it'll come at or above what we offered, only time will tell.

i'm really feeling the baby fever. i was watching the mtv show "16 and pregnant", and just watching these kids that just accidentally got pregnant, and thinking, how come that hasn't happened to us yet? i was in a very bad way, just sobbing, after one episode where the girl and her boyfriend decided to give their baby up for adoption. all i could think of was that if we are in the position of adoption, that someone would be that selfless and give such a precious gift to us.

i know that my condition makes it this way, and mr. c and i have discussed heading to the doctor after our year anniversary and getting on the medication that stimulates ovulation to see if we can get that party started. it would also make me feel better to get going sooner rather than later with medical measures and tests. it's just something that i've looked forward to for such a long time, and you never think when you're little, "i bet i'll have to use fertility medicine".

it's in God's Hands, and He knows the time when everything will come to fruition, and we definitely can take comfort in that.


Meghan said...

I watched that episode too and bawled and bawled. They were really mature in the way that they handled everything. Some of those other couples, on the other hand....yikes.

Everything will happen for the right reason at the right time. Hang in there. I'm praying for you.