Friday, July 3, 2009

my "issues"

too much information:

as most of you know, i haven't been ovulating. therefore, i don't get my period on my own.

so, the doc had me on 1 week of progesterone to make me keep on a regular cycle. it had nothing to do with ovulation, but i didn't get all bloated and feel super crappy. well, i did 3 months of that, and then i decided to stay off the medicine and just see what would happen.

well, lo and behold, after 61 days since my last cycle, it came completely on its own! woo hoo! i had normal pms symptoms, and didn't feel crappy except for this last week. and i was able to get my rings on and off, so i didn't retain water like i had been in the past.

i'm not going to say that this is a breakthrough, but it's a very good step in the right direction.


Meghan said...

Do you find that these "issues" affect your weight loss efforts? I know that female stuff makes my weight fluctuate quite a bit, which can definitely be frustrating.

mrs. c said...

YES! it's a HUGE factor. man, i retain so much feet swell, my fingers swell. it's super lame. but, this is a good sign that maybe things are starting to happen on their own.