Monday, July 20, 2009

we got it!

so, friday night at 5:45pm the sellers accepted OUR offer! how exciting! i scanned in the real estate brochure take a look at the pics here. i'll have better pics when we go to the inspection this week.
i'm so thrilled, but i don't think it'll totally sink in until we've signed all the paperwork. we close on september 18th, which just happens to be 2 days after my birthday, and 2 days before mr. c's half birthday (i know i'm super lame for that), so think it's a good present!

this was quite the week with grandma passing away and getting the house. her service was saturday morning and it went very well. the flowers were beautiful. we were over at mr. c's parent's house all weekend visiting with family which was really nice.


Erin said...

I didn't know you bought a house! Very cool.

I didn't know that your grandma died. I am sorry.