Friday, May 22, 2009

Memorial Weekend Plans

i'm SO excited! mr. c & i are going camping in the dells for the holiday weekend. this weekend also happens to mark 2 years since we started dating. so that's pretty special, too. it's going to be so nice just spending time with eachother since it's such a rarity with our different shift lifestyle.

we planned our menu last night, and i'm going to run out and do some grocery shopping in a bit. then, i'll go to our storage locker in the building and pull some stuff out that we'll need.

it looks like it's only supposed to rain tomorrow morning, and after that the weather should behave beautifully. so, i think we're going to go horseback riding, go-karting, maybe mini-golfing & probably some hiking. i'll be taking tons of pictures, so i'll post all of that when we get back.

i'm especially looking forward to trying out the new tent that mr. c's parents gave us for Christmas. it's a 2 room tent with a screened in porch! so we'll see how that goes.