Wednesday, May 27, 2009

cute green & brown stuff

a couple of weeks ago mr. c & i went through a bunch of stuff that was just collecting in our spare (guest) room. i really want it to be a room where i can have my sewing machine and a place to go and relax and read a book on our AMAZING verlo futon. so we got a really nice bookshelf from home depot and a bunch of storage stuff from target. here is the result:

the big bag down on the floor is a goodwill bag of stuff that mr. c didn't want anymore. way to go purging!


along with that, we have a platform bed frame from crate & barrel. so, with a platform frame, you don't use the boxspring from your mattress set. so...ashamed to admit, we had the boxspring propped up against the wall in front of the window in our bedroom for like...6 months. YIKES! so in this great purge that i spoke of above, i found the extra fabric that i had ordered of the bridesmaid fabric in the off chance that one of the girls (mrs. d, ms. z & ms. s) would need some. so, since it's a really nice brown color, and totally goes with our bedroom, i thought that i could fashion some type of window covering out of it. my parents got me a new "singer advance" sewing machine for christmas 2007 and i haven't really used it very much, but it has cute decorative stiches. so, last night i just sort of came up with something, this is the result: