Sunday, August 19, 2012


if you're friends with me on Facebook, you see that I post my weekly weighin results from my weight watchers meetings. I've also been doing a bootcamp 2 nights a week at a local gym.

if you know me in real-life, or have been following this blog since the beginning, you'll know how unhappy I was and what a struggle my weight has been over the years.

I had an awesome week at bootcamp this week. there's a GINORMOUS hill the we've run a handful of times. 3 weeks ago, we ran the hill 3 times. I was able to run the entire thing once. the other two times, I walked or shuffled portions. this past tuesday night, we ran the hill again. my goal was to make it up 2 running. not only did I do that, I did a third time, then about half of a fourth time. awesome! It felt great!

as of saturday I've lost 37 pounds since I started weight watchers a year and a half ago. next week, I'm hoping to be able to shout from the rooftops that I'll be looking at the world from under 200! something I haven't been able day for like, 5 years. super excited. it's taken a lot of hard work.