Monday, October 24, 2011

canning experiment

Ok - so we went to the fruit farm a few weeks ago. we picked a lot of apples. a lot of apples. basically, our whole fridge was commandeered by apples. so, after doing a bunch of research, i decided i was going to learn how to can - using the boiling water canning method. we got mason jars, ingredients and tools for the job. yesterday, i went for it.

the "apple pie filling" recipe called for 12 cups of peeled, cored, sliced apples. so i did that, then blanched them in boiling water. set them aside and made the goop of sugar, canning starch, cinnamon, nutmeg, lemon juice, apple juice (ironic right?) and water. once that came to a boil (stirring constantly with jr, hazel and ginger chasing in and out of the kitchen) i folded in the apples, heated them through and removed it from heat. i used my special canning funnel and scooped the apples and goop into 6 jars. got the lids and rings on - fingertip tight - and got them ready for their bath.

i was able to do 3 jars at a time in my stock pot. so, for 25 minutes a group i waited for the happy stuff to be done. i pulled them out of their bath, and set them on the stovetop to finish the sealing process. hopefully tonight none of their "belly buttons" press in or out. it was too dark in the kitchen to take effective pictures last night, and i couldn't find my "real" camera, so i'll have to post pictures later. BUT moral of the story is - i'm calling this a success, and i'm ready to keep doing this in the future. well, not to far into the future since there are still tons of apples...not sure if i mentioned that.