Sunday, August 1, 2010

in the middle of the night

so...I've had this "cold" for all of July and it's looking like i'm starting august with it as well. after a round of amoxicillin and a round of augmentin, throw in some narcotic cough medicine, lots of water and probably not enough rest-I think now my allergies are starting to kick in. I'm lying awake now due to some lovely post-nasal drip. the baby gets annoyed when I cough - so I feel bad for that. I've also been taking my anti-throwup medicine more than usual cuz I cough so hard I get sick without it.

had an ultrasound on Thursday. baby is doing really well. still maintaining the 60th percentile for growth. as of then, weight was 4lb 14oz - coincidentally the weight that I dropped down to when I was in the hospital. I was 6 weeks early at 5lb 6oz. it's so weird to think that!

the baby shower brought tons of cute and very useful stuff home. the nursery is in a bit of disarray at the moment, but it'll all come together. our moms have been very helpful in get stuff organized. but my top priority at the moment is getting everything set at work for while I'm gone on leave. i've almost got everything set, but I'll feel so much better when it's done.

this upcoming weekend we're traveling down to galesburg, il to celebrate ms. z and mr. b's wedding. ms. z was one of my bridesmaids and I'm super excited. it'll also be mr. c's and my last big outing before it's the 5 of us. mr.c's parents will be watching the girls while we're gone. they'll have a pretty full house with 5 dogs and 9 cats. whew!

well - I'm gonna try laying back down before the alarm goes off in a little while to get up and go to church.