Wednesday, June 10, 2009

it's not if, but when

cancer. WTF?! ok, so i know SO many people who are undergoing treatment for cancer right now. i've come to the conclusion that it's not if we're going to get cancer, but when. what a pessimistic view of it i know, but it's so depressing!

i just hate that people have to go through getting poison shot into their bodies at the hope that it's going to kill off the attacking cells that are killing them.

among all of those people, these are a few:

a family friend of ours who is 23 years old is battling bile duct/liver cancer. they just went in to try to take the tumor out, and when they got in, they found mets on her diaphragm and pelvis. so she has to just keep going through chemo.

my uncle (mom's brother-in-law) has lung cancer and was given a deadline of about a year to live after already surviving the first deadline he was given of 3 months.

a member at church just found out on friday that she has uterine cancer and has to undergo a total hysterectomy in the hopes that they can get everything and that it hasn't spread anywhere else yet.

my dad just told me today that another uncle (his brother-in-law) who was given a clean bill of health that his prior cancer was in remission, went in to have routine hernia surgery and when the doctor cut him open, he was just full of cancer. how does that HAPPEN?!

i'm so saddened by all of this. it just seems like such an epidemic/plague. it used to be, even just 10 years ago that you sort of knew someone who knew someone that was sick with cancer, and now you'd have to really struggle to find someone who doesn't know someone affected by the nasty stuff.

God has a reason and path for all of us to follow, and through all of our struggles we need to keep our eyes fixed on the Cross and trust in His mercy and grace.