Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Getting Started

well, it looks like i'm finally breaking down and getting one of these started.

for now, i suppose we'll leave the blog public, and try to concentrate on not sharing super private information.

we've been married almost 6 months this month, and so far we're fairing rather well. we work different shifts as most of you know, and that has definitely proved to be a strain from time-to-time. i think this will be a good thing for me to do in the evenings.

work has been a little stressful lately. and i'm in a salaried position now which brings good and bad points along with it.

i've started getting little freelance projects here and there. so that's going to be receiving a lot of my attention in the upcoming weeks.

for anyone out there who has lived with me, i'm not the best at finishing tasks, or doing cleaning chores in a super timely manner. so, along with getting adjusted to being married to mr. c (more on that in later posts), i'm trying to get into some type of cleaning routine. hell, i would even welcome a regular eating routine at this point! (it's 9pm and so far i've had a few spoonfuls of nutella)

well, i'm going to go scare something up for dinner, but it'll be fun to populate this blog and fill people in on my musings.