Monday, January 28, 2013

predictability and aerosmith

it's no secret that I like to sing. especially along with the radio in the car. we were out running errands yesterday. daddy was driving, and I was knitting (of course). I've been feverishly working on a blankie for the upcoming goods and services auction at church as seen here:

daddy and I were talking about things and little guy was chatting away in the backseat.

I wasn't totally paying attention to the radio. all of a sudden, daddy looks at me and goes "this is where you usually rock the ballad and start shaking your fist. every time." I stopped knitting, looked at him and realized "I don't want to miss a thing" was on, and I normally ROCK that. then i laughed to tears thinking, he was exactly right. i do that every time. man, knitting really does clear my head!