Friday, January 6, 2012

check up

seems little guy is thriving. here are the stats from his 15 month check yesterday (a week shy of 16 months).
height: 32.75" (87%)
weight: 27lb 6oz (82%)
head: 50cm (98%)

the doctor said he seems to be right on track with his hand/eye coordination, his language skills, and his eating/drinking. we need to work in a little bit more flouridated water into the routine, but all in all everything went very well. 

he had 4 shots, and they did a finger prick to get two micro-vials of blood to check for anemia and test his lead levels, which is important to check since our house was built in the twenties.

when we got home, i put him in his high chair, and gave him an applesauce pouch to help him settle down while i was making dinner. he wasn't looking so hot, and then got sick all over himself and the chair. grandpa said he wasn't very interested in eating much during the day - and i'm pretty sure the whole day came back up. so he could have had something coming on, and the combination of getting so worked up during the shots and then the finger prick, that his day just wasn't tolerated very well. poor fellow.