Saturday, April 16, 2011

tests are over

the trip to the hospital yesterday wasn't very pleasant. we got there and 3 phlebotomists looked at the little guy to find a place to draw blood from. they stuck him once and dug around for a while and gave up. little guy did SO good. he only whined a little bit.

we had to get to the ultrasound place about a half hour east of the hospital, he did really well there too. I was so proud of him.

so, we went back to the hospital this morning. I was prepared for it to be tough again. BUT we had an angel named Mary. she felt around a little and stuck in the needle, got the amount she needed, and that was it. I planned the morning so he'd want a bottle while we were there, so he was just sucking away, watching everything and didn't make a peep!

what a content little sweetheart.